The Vineyard of God – The Product  Fruit 

John 15 

Are you ready? Here is a list of the Fruit the Vinedresser considers fruit and what He is looking for – not exhaustive, but definitive  

1.       Love for the Father and Love for the Son 

2.       Teaching truth to disciples (Truth is what God says and what God sees) 

3.       A Focus on the Gospel of the Kingdom – not the kingdom of ones making 

4.       Obedient to the Will of the Father, in all situations, first foremost and always committed to the will of the Father 

5.       Love one another such that you lay down one’s life for the brethren, according to the Will of the Father 

6.       Take command over demonic activity – rather than crouch in fear of evil – Resist the devil in Jesus name, and by the Word of God 

7.       Be doing the greater works – according to the will of the Father and as directed by the God the Spirit 

8.       Constantly be a source of compassion, mercy and grace – “as we are going” (like Jesus did) 

9.       Challenge hypocrites and apostasy 

10.     Live by faith and not by sight 

11.     Endure temptation (temptation to satisfy personal wants and desires, the desire to be oohed and awed by others, the desire for power and authority) 

12.     Be filled with the Spirit, whom Jesus said “He would send” “who will be in you”, another like Himself, who will teach you all things and bring all Jesus did/said to remembrance – thus bearing the specific fruit of the Spirit naturally  

13.     Fulfill God’s law of Righteousness – Live righteously consistently and constantly 

14.     Pray – without ceasing, always communicating with the Father in all situations according to His will 

15.     Always resigning to the Father’s will –regardless to circumstances –be honest with the Father “nevertheless not my will, but thine be done” 

16.     Forgive – even those who hurt us and those who are our enemies – even love your enemies  

17.     Weep for those who reject the Gospel and person of Jesus Christ (as Jesus wept over Jerusalem) 

18.     Take care of your parents – a dying activity of Jesus, for Mary, directed to John 

19.     Don’t seek vengeance for those who wrong you, pray for those who despitefully use you 

20.     Servant’s heart and servant’s  service 

21.     Shun religious works and religious activity  

22.     Spend time with the Father – by need and desire 

23.     Respect and yield to the Father’s authority and will 

24.     Be among those that Jesus described “I go and prepare a place for you and if I go I will come again and take you to myself” 

Is this all – Check with the Vinedresser